Linear functional minimization for inverse modeling
We present a novel inverse modeling strategy to estimate spatially distributed parameters of nonlinear models. The maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimators of these parameters are based on a likelihood functional, which contains spatially discrete measurements of the system parameters and spatiotemporally discrete measurements of the transient system states. The piecewise continuity prior for the parameters is expressed via Total Variation (TV) regularization. The MAP estimator is computed by minimizing a nonquadratic objective equipped with the TV operator. We apply this inversion algorithm to estimate hydraulic conductivity of a synthetic confined aquifer from measurements of conductivity and hydraulic head. The synthetic conductivity field is composed of a low-conductivity heterogeneous intrusion into a high-conductivity heterogeneous medium. Our algorithm accurately reconstructs the location, orientation, and extent of the intrusion from the steady-state data only. Addition of transient measurements of hydraulic head improves the parameter estimation, accurately reconstructing the conductivity field in the vicinity of observation locations.
BibTeX entry
title = { { Linear functional minimization for inverse modeling } },
author = {Barajas-Solano, D. A. and Wohlberg, B. E. and Vesselinov, V. V. and Tartakovsky, D. M.},
journal = {Water Resour. Res.},
volume = {51},
issue = {6},
pages = {4516-4531},
year = {2014},
doi = {10.1002/2014WR016179},